Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Martes 27

Today was a good day, too. I went to class and in my conversation class we did a mock trial, and I played the Father (Catholic) of the girl we were trying to condemn (for being a lesbian-mind you). We lost the trial, but that's okay. It was a lot of fun! Afterwards the teacher told me that I would make a good Father. I chuckled. I think it is just because I knew the vocabulary already. After class I went and signed up for my work out class. It was about $15 for the whole semester, 2 classes a week. Man it's gonna be so nice! Afterwards I went to that class and I sweated like a madman, but it was so much fun! I really enjoyed actually working out and such. After class I went home and ate lunch (at 4:30pm). I then watched some Office and sat on my computer the rest of the night. I did some wedding stuff and then looked to my left (the room is completely dark) and see this GIGANTIC spider (that's not a tarantula, but a normal spider). It was about 3 x 3. I looked at it long and hard and was terrified! It was up high on the wall and I thought it would jump at me to attack if I got close, so I snuck up on it (I know I know, they have 8 eyes) and I killed it with my shoe. It was so scary. I climbed on my nightstand to get it. Then I did my homework and went to bed. Tomorrow I might go to the movies, I am not sure. We'll see.

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