Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lunes 26

Well Monday was an interesting day. I got to my first class and we got our grades back from our exams we took on Friday. I got a 95.5%! Pretty good I think. I knew it was easy. We are now moving on to things that I spoke more readily in the mission field. It's kind of nice to have this little review class while I learn Spanish. The cool thing here is that the teachers will give like 30 problems to do for homework (problems that take me 15 minutes to do) and will feel bad they are giving so much! I'm loving it! In my next class we had our oral exam and I went out and did that with the teacher and at the end she said it was sufficient. I was so worried about what that word meant to her, but then I got my grade and got a 100%! Man school is turning out to be so good! I kinda hope my grades transfer back to Coker so they can help my GPA! That would be good. Anyways, after class I didn't do anything. I went to the library and played a little bit of Warcraft and then went home for lunch. It was there that I stayed the rest of the night while watching a few episodes of the Office and doing my 15 minutes of homework. My stomach is feeling much better. I haven't had any scares for a while, so that's good!

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