Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lunes 19

Well the day started off much better than it should have. We got our week one grade reports and I have a 100 in each class, so that’s good news. The only stuff we’ve really done is participation though. Oh well, it looks nice. After class we took a tour of the library. That was so boring. They doing use the Dewey Decimal System in Mexico, they go alphabetical! How simple is that?! She explained to us for 40 minutes how to use the library. I’ve been to a library before! Anyways, after class I boarded the bus to go to Wal Mart. I hoped I would get there this time. I did choose the right bus, and was so pleased! I got to Wal Mart and noticed that the people that shop at Wal Mart here in Mexico are just like the ones that shop at Wal Mart in Hartsville (and probably every other place)—they don’t care about you, they are inconsiderate and just want their own desires fulfilled. No common courtesy! Also, in this Wal Mart they allow solicitors! I was approached to buy steroids! I love that I can play the “I don’t speak Spanish” card whenever I feel like it. Is that wrong to do? Afterwards I went to Carl’s Jr. I got a thing of fries and they had Heinz Ketchup! So good! Yum! The fries really hit the spot. I crossed the street and waited for the bus as sweat dripped down my back, but at least the fries were good. I watched as the other side of the street had over 5 busses pass by until we had our one bus, a 30 minute wait. When I boarded the bus it was jam packed already. There was clearly standing room only. About 10 people were crammed into the entrance of the bus by the door because we couldn’t squeeze any closer. Great for me, whatever. Except when I had to get off the bus. As I was moving to get off the bus driver shut the door and continued driving. I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t move! I kept inching and then another pushed the button and I got off then. I walked about 3 blocks to get home from there, dripping in sweat. I ate lunch, watched some Office, and hung out while I chatted with my parents and Onna. What a good night.

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