Thursday, September 20, 2012

Charlie-26 weeks!

This face is priceless! She gives it all the time now! Charlie is sitting up and crawling. She isn't the best crawler yet, but she is getting around. She seems to have digressed on sleeping through the night these days but Onna will have to tell you about that! Hard to believe 6 months is right around the corner!!

Charlie-25 weeks!

Charlie-24 weeks!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Charlie-23 weeks

Charlie is eating "real" food and drinking some water to go with it. She is getting her knees behind her but is still just using her thunder thighs to move around. She should be crawling soon!

Charlie-21 weeks

Her first Braves game. Of course, this was more to get her interested in baseball rather than the Braves. She's a Dback through and through--it's in her blood!

She had a good time but was ready to go in the seventh.