After that we visited a paper mache place. They made everything out of paper mache. It isn't what I thought it would be either. The paper mache I imagine is ugly stuff that you can tell a kindergartner made, but this stuff was made by professionals, some of them life size. They have a 6' giraffe in addition to many other animals. They don't look like the paper mache I was referring too!
Next we went to a glass shop and saw how glass was made. Now this was cool too, I'd never seen how glass was made. They blow it up like a balloon! Interesting stuff! Afterwards we had time to go on our own to shop and I just looked. I found two great nativities that were pretty cheap, but upon closer look I noticed they were missing something... the baby Jesus! I don't know why they didn't come with Him. Oh well. I also went to a wood shop. The stuff they make from hand is amazing! They were selling full living room sets for $400, and then about $80 to ship it to Juarez (the border). Just unbelievable! On the way home I zonked out. My lack of sleep and being in the sun all day really caught up with me. I didn't do anything when I got home. I laid down and relaxed. I decided I needed something American tonight and so I caught the bus to Burger King. Good stuff! It was such a nice treat. When I left I remembered that I didn't have enough money to catch the bus back home, but that was okay, I decided to walk, and then while walking I stopped at an ATM for fun, but still walked. A bunch of people were outside and I didn't know why. There was a big game tonight. The UAG Tecos (my school) vs. Cruz Azul (a professional team in Mexico). I was approached once by a guy selling tickets, but I didn't buy one, but then a second guy did and so I decided to take the offer and go to the game. I had a good seat for what I paid. Really, the ticket just gets you in the door, they are numbered with rows and seats, but they don't mean anything. It's pretty much a find your own seat kind of thing. Well, The Tecos somehow won 1-0. They never win. That's the weird thing. I came home and just relaxed the rest of the night. What a day!
Interesting thoughts:
I remember getting an email forward when I was younger asking where your eyes were as you walked. If you looked up you were confident, if you looked down you were self-conscious. Since then I always tried looking up as I walked. Lately I've been noticing I've been looking down at the ground though. No, it's not because I've lost confidence in myself, but maybe in the sidewalks. There are holes all over the place and you have to look down at them!
People don't care about the police here. The police ride around all day with their lights on, but for no reason. They aren't in a hurry or trying to pull anyone over. I don't know why they have their lights on.
I will try to post short video of game later.
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