If anyone can guess what is wrong with this picture then you are cool. You have to be someone I haven't already discussed this with. This was taken on Black Friday morning.
Life has been going good. Only a few things have happened since my last post. School, work, Onna, and Church have been my greatest priorities. In school we have taken two exams and the only thing that I didn't like about the second exam was that we still didn't have the first exam to look off of, you know, to see how to study for the second exam. That's okay though because the first exam gave me a 76 and the second one gave me an 85. Those aren't the best grades, but they will do for a Western Literature class that is a Coker requirement! I do enjoy the class though, and reading along with the stories. I'm a much better reader forced than by desire. My Spanish class is likewise going well. We got our grades in and I have a high B but have a few assignments I haven't turned in, so that should bump it up to an A without a problem I would think. I really love Spanish. I love the language and the culture. I love speaking it. In fact, and I just noticed this, I feel more comfortable expressing my feelings in Spanish than I do in English. Go figure! A guy came and talked to our class the other day and he just got back from studying abroad in Chile. He said he had a lot of fun, he partied a lot, drank a lot. Woo hoo! (WHAT THE HECK AM I GONNA DO?!)I'll think of something. The temple isn't too far away, either is the beach. I looked it up and apparently there is a gym nearby too, so I guess I can spend my time working out. I hope to lose some weight while I'm down there. My temple jacket has been getting quite snug! Speaking of Church and the temple, I told them yesterday that it would be my last Saturday at the temple. I asked what the procedure was and they said that they normally release people who will be away for so long. I was doing so well on learning and memorizing! I had the longest thing ever down pat, but now it's all over. Oh well. It's been a lot of fun being able to go there and do the work behind the scenes. I have a much greater view of the work that goes on in the temple now than I did before, and for that I'm grateful. My time is running short on my time left in this ward. I keep wondering if the Bishop will release me or keep me around. I think it would be quite hard to do it by himself, but then I do like the calling. Do I listen to what he needs or what I want? I bore my testimony today and cried. Onna and I are doing well. We finished our third puzzle the other day and will proceed to glue it I think. Maybe we won't. It's of Niagara Falls. It is pretty sweet looking. We haven't done much lately, just movies and such. She did, however, get her first pedicure last night (she's 25, I know!). It was a birthday present that I got her and she finally used it! She really enjoyed it. Her toes look so pretty! Hopefully it won't become a practice that she obsesses with! I don't think she will. Work has been going great. I've been working every day. The other temp that works with us has not been able to work. The work load has decreased so much. I really enjoy my job and I hope that I can come back to it after I get back from Mexico. They interviewed a kid this week for my job, but my boss didn't find him to suitable. I really hope I can have the job back! About a month ago I bought a teeth whitening kit that was sure to work. Well I half-heartedly used it and I wasn't seeing any progress, so I stopped. One day I saw a charge on my credit card for $59.90! I was so confused! I called the number and they said that when I ordered the teeth whitener I clicked on a link that automatically signed me up for a service that charges that much. I wasn't happy. She said that they could give me $40.00 back but the rest was non-refundable. I was pretty upset at this and decided to stop falsely trying to use my teeth whitener but to ship it back for a full refund. I shipped it back, got $50.00 from them, and the $40.00 from this random click I made. Since I've already paid for it it's like free money! Anyways, that's as exciting as my life gets. Arizona in two weeks, Mexico in four.

What a true Ensign you are, crying with your testimony. I didn't even get up and I was crying! I think it is because Brian gets home Friday - I am so excited I just cry everywhere! LOL!
Great blog, Karl, and Onna is sure cute. :o)
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