Nothing much to update. Life has been good. I am home alone once again, my parents keep leaving me, but that's okay. I find myself sleeping on the couch more when they aren't here. Work has been interesting. My boss took off two days this week and work is always different when she isn't there. My higher up boss returns from a cruise to Antarctica this week, so that should be really fun to hear about. School has been getting tougher. My Spanish class is easy enough, I don't struggle much there. My reading class has been a huge struggle. Just this past weekend I was supposed to read 70 pages but after making it through 13 pages in 2 hours of reading I got bored with it and can't keep up with it! Not to mention it is written in olde English. Ugh! I hate it! But, we did have a test in that class on Thursday. I studied like crazy for it. I hope I did well. I thought I did. I wrote 7 total pages on it and I was living high, until my teacher took me out after the test to ask how I thought I did. She then went on to explain that people don't put enough time into the last question (worth 30 points) and they usually only write a page on it. I laughed and went on my way. Well, the laugh I gave was quite sarcastic. I ONLY WROTE ONE PAGE! What a joke! I will find out my score tonight hopefully. So that's it for school. Church has been good. Onna and I are doing good. We finished a puzzle this week that has taken forever! We then proceeded to glue it together, we didn't want to break it all up after the work we did! My dad said that us doing puzzles is out of our time, because OLD people do puzzles together! Oh well, I enjoyed it!
P.S. I've also become addicted to taking pictures of any temple I see, so this is the latest, of course, Columbia, SC.
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