Wow! It's been quite some time, hasn't it? Not too much has been happening in my life lately. As far as school goes, we have three classes left before we start a new term with new classes. It's kind of crazy that we are already finishing school. My class that is supposed to get out at 10:30 we always get out at 10 or 10:10 and so that will be different with a new professor to stay the whole time. In my Social Problems class I got an A on the only paper I have written. He really likes my ideas and my paper. I was pleased with my efforts. My dad thought a little differently. He didn't agree with any of the ideas in my paper. He didn't understand the paper maybe, or just that he doesn't believe what I wrote. Oh well. In my Spanish class I'm rockin it. I love that class because we speak in Spanish. The best part is that there are no tests. They only have papers to write, and I am an okay writer so it translates pretty well. My Spanish teacher said I speak 'phenomenal' for someone who has never lived outside of the country. That was nice to hear. Most of my time has been spent on the Wii Fit. I love that thing. My mom even joined on this week and loves it too. They have agreed to letting me keep it with the big TV!

That's good news when no one else is on the TV!

Work has been a bit stressful. I heard on Monday that Sonoco was planning on cutting some temp workers (which includes me) and I was a bit worried. On Tuesday I was released at noon (which never happens) and I was a little worried the rest of the day as to whether or not I would have to start looking for a job. That afternoon my boss called and just told me to come into work as normal on Wednesday. I came in on Wednesday and it was just weird. I felt like every step I took they were watching and if I sat down for even a minute they would send me home. It was awful. Oh well. On Friday I got in a little argument with one of my co-workers. >

He asked me to help on this rush project, but only after he was done using the machine he was on. I agreed. I finished my assignment and went to do what he asked but he was still on the machine. I began doing my next assignment and was immediately yelled at that I wasn't helping out on this rush project. I then said that my co-worker said to not start until he was done and then he blew up and it was bad. I wanted to leave right then. The rest of the day was nice. I went to lunch with Heber J and then took Onna's car for a spin and washed it. It was awful! The bird poop stains were caked in. Like as if they were a part of the car. I also vacuumed the inside and changed her terrible wipers. She was appreciative. I had a doctors appointment this week to remove the planters wart on my foot. It hurt SO BAD to be injected in my heel. Afterwards the doctor pridefully said, "I think we got it."

Well he must have forgotten the over ten times I have gone to him to remove it! It has a mind of its own, but it looks pretty gross!

I also had a dental visit. He filled two cavities that I got while on my mission. Two in two years is pretty good if you ask me. We talked a little about Dental School and he said he would help me any way that he could. I was glad about that. The elections are getting pretty crazy. The vice-presidential debate was this week. Sarah Palin did a very good job, and Joe Biden did his normal job. Unfortunately for McCain, it might be too little too late. Say hello to the crappiest plan of all time--Socialized medicine. Kyle and MaryEllen came home this weekend. It's been good to see them, but they've been beating my Wii records! For that purpose I will not leave this house until I retake my livelihood (GLC! for those who have seen Seinfeld). Now this weekend has been fun. We have just been watching General Conference. It's so nice to hear them again. It's a good re energizer! I'm still doing my crazy Sunday schedules. Tonight, in fact, I plan on going to bed at 6:30pm and waking up around 2 or 3 to finish my homework. Good times. Well I got adventurous this week and decided to cook some frijoles de la olla (beans in a pot). Well I started last night and they be rank! They have about tripled in size, and today I plan on refrying them to get them extra good. All I can say is stay away from me when I'm done!

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