Tiffany, I want to hear no complaints due to lack of pictures!

Sorry it's been so long, once again. I don't have much to say. School started again. I am taking a Spanish class and an English class. The Spanish class seems to be a lot of fun. We have already watched two rated-R movies in the class so I've had to ask for alternate assignments. The teacher has been very understanding with that. I love the class because we speak Spanish the entire time. I love speaking Spanish. It is really getting me excited to go live in Mexico next semester! Speaking of Mexico, we paid the deposit, so it's officially official! Wow I can hardly contain myself some days, I just want to get down there already! In my English class, well, that's another story. I am not a huge fan of reading, but that's what this class does, we read! I bought this book that has about 1000 pages and we are going to read the whole thing--IN EIGHT WEEKS! Wow I'm gonna die. I spent quite a bit of time looking for the books on mp3 this last week. I am a much better listener. I went to Seatlle a couple of weeks ago. It was so much fun! It was a quick trip and probably a stupid thing to do on a nearly twice broken tailbone (5 hours of sitting), but it was so much fun seeing Pablo and James. Megan is such a great girl for Pablo, too. The whole ordeal just made me excited to get married. If only I had a girl for that..... After the actual sealing James and I were just able to walk around downtown Seattle for four hours. It got a little crazy, but it was fun to hang out with him again. We were still dressed from the sealing that morning except we had jackets on. imagine this, two guys, white shirts and ties. People thought we were missionaries! I didni't mind, until one guy asked me to give him some money and then said we must be Mormon missionaries because we aren't giving him anything. How sad. Unfortunetly I didn't have my camera with me, so the following are pictures from James' camera. By the way, James is the former Elder Showley, my MTC companion. Time has progressed nicely. Hard to believe October is nearly over! Onna and I went to the Halloween dance last weekend. I was Santa and she was Mrs. Clause. Unfortunetly, the other guys thought she was "Santa's helper" and still asked her to dance. Sorry Comodor, she's not just a helper! I was a little annoyed at the dance because they played five total slow songs, and the Cupid Shuffle twice. I wish they had played the Cha Cha or Electric, something that Santa could have gotten down to! Oh well, it was fun. My grandma Ensign has been in town for a while. I loved having her here. She is a vessel full of advice and information and experience. I took her back to Charlotte and we chatted the entire way. I ate Jack in the Box following that and it was such a good meal. I wish we had one closer... or maybe I really don't! Finally, the news of the week. I was awoken on Saturday with a text explaining that my beloved Abuela had passed away. It was sad. I put my head down and before having any chance of feelings to set in, my brother called me. We talked for about thirty minutes about memories that we had remembered with grandma. After our call I called Tiffany, we connected with Jen and talked for another thirty minutes. It was a lot of fun just talking it out, feeling the closeness. I cleaned the house to take my mind off of grandma and then had no desire to do any homework. I tried to do other things to take my mind off of it. I went to Adam's soccer game, went to Ethan's 3rd birthday party and then came home. Onna wrote her talk at our house and I fell asleep. Life has been good, nonetheless. I am currently in Boise, Idaho. I don't know the next time I will be here, if ever. It's fun to be around family again. We are all here and I don't know how often this will happen either. I will enjoy it while it lasts. Tonight we had the viewing for grandma and a lot of people came. It was nice to see her, she looked peaceful.