Well it has been quite some time since I've had the chance to update everyone on my life, so here it goes, I'll give it a shot. The Saturday I was in Denver we went to Eliches, it's a Six Flags type of theme park, it was a lot of fun. Wait, I'm forgetting something! That Saturday morning was the big day. It was the day of the much-anticipated race. I woke up and laid in bed for about 30 minutes imagining my opponent and picturing my victory. Could I do it? Or would I lose again? These thoughts continually ran through my head. As I descended the stairs all dressed and ready to go Scott asked me, "now?" "oh yeah!" I replied. We actually didn't leave right then. I had to drink my special elixir, four limes pure (with a hint of salt). Jen and Scott were amazed at my concoction.
I drank it and began my journey to the park, where we would race. I arrived early and stretched a bit, chatted with the grass, took some practice runs.
I noticed the grass looked a little wet. It was. My opponent and I lined up. On your marks, get set, go! We began the race, adrenaline pumping. The only thing I heard at the start of the race was "Oh shoot!" from Scott's mouth. The limes gave me an internal boost and I crossed the finish line milliseconds ahead of my brother in law. I had done it. I won the series! One would assume that this was it, right? Wrong. "Alright, rematch." I was shocked at what I was hearing! Nevertheless, I divulged. The second time, however, Scott had a trick up his sleeve. No, it wasn't Gracen this time; it was a head start. I love you brother. Now, onto Eliches.
It was a lot of fun. I love roller coasters. I was glad to have gone with my much more adventurous brother over my possibly less dare devilish. The roller coasters were crazy! They were different than any other ones I had been on. The first one we climbed up about six stories and got in the coaster and it shot us right out of the gate and down a drop and through a loop and then we hit the end of it and the next thing I knew we were going backwards.
It was a weird sensation that I am undecided whether or not I like. There was another one like that a little later that was just as weird.
The final one we all went on as a family, it was a tubing one where is simulates white water rafting. I like these ones and have had impeccable success in not getting too wet. The success was no different here. Scott, Jen and Gracen got SOAKED, while I was left quite dry.
Afterwards Jen and I went to get pedicures (shhh!). It felt pretty dang good! Afterwards I treated her family to Subway. Good times. Sunday was a good, yet hard, day. I found myself in an internal conflict. The converts I had visited on Friday weren't going to go to church and actually were questioning their beliefs again and it really began to stress me out and got me pretty much in a state of despair. I eventually went to Sacrament meeting in one of my old wards I served in. That was a good thing for me. I immediately forgot about all the despair and remembered the joy I had in that ward and all the friends I made. When sacrament meeting ended a flood of people came up and remembered me. They remembered my name even though it had been over six months since I served there. After church I drove to Superior and visited one of my favorite companions, Elder Woodhouse. I love that guy.
We just sat and reminisced for about thirty minutes. I hung out with Joel and Isela that night and really enjoyed them and realized how much I love them. I love the Colorado sunsets. Those are what I miss most.
Monday I returned home to South Carolina and have been on this work, school, church, girlfriend cycle ever since. It takes some good time management, but I think I'm getting better. Tomorrow Onna and I are going to Charleston to stay with Kyle and MaryEllen. I will let you know how that goes and take pictures. 
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