Life is good life is great, give us this day so we'll be great. Or something like that, right? This week has gone by pretty quickly. I have a goal to write in my blog more than I have heretoforth done, but we'll see how that goes. Since I last wrote I was just starting school. Nothing big has changed. My Spanish teacher is still really pushing me to go on a study abroad before I get married. He says that as an RM my time clock is ticking. I agree. I then asked my parents what to do about it and they said that I had better go in the Spring if I could. They didn't have to ask me twice. I immediately began searching for study abroads in Mexico. I knew that my timing was runnign short with deadlines. I've met a time or two with my advisor and they are all on board. It will be a tough four months, but I've gotta do it, right? I was half-accepted in to a program already. They just want to see my disciplinary form filled out by Coker College. I hope they don't find out about all those bar fights I've been in! ;-) My Social Problems class is going better. I've enjoyed learning the other point of view. Kyle is convinced I am going to turn Democratic over this class. It's interesting to read about how the book projects we fix the problems we have, but it always suggests we raise the minimum wage and lower taxes and rent. Those things are hard to do. If you lower minimum wage prices go up and thus, the raise in minimum wage was pointless. But what do I know, right? Last Saturday Onna and I took her boys to Sonic and they just played and played. It was fun to watch them play. They are great kids.
My home teaching companion caught us in the action and now we have no where to hide. By caught in the action I just mean together. To this point the ward really hasn't known that we are together. On Thursday I flew to Denver. It was a lot of fun to see the sights again. I think I started annoying Kaye (Jen's mother-in-law) at all the "aww, this place is..." and reminiced my mission.
We helped Jen move first thing, by helped move I mean I put the table together and watched the movers do their work. I was feeling pretty lazy! On a side note, Jen is pretty cool. I had Jack in the Box for lunch and I am convinced (convinced!) that they outsource their drive thru box to India! The guy that took our order was nothing like the guy that gave it to us! Scott and I had a lot of fun with this one! I love that guy.
We were just cracking up a storm on the way home. When we got home I went on a walk while I called Onna. Jen and Scott live in a new little neighborhood. I figured I was wakling in a circle the whole time, but eventually in the phone call I realized that I was lost. I had no idea how to get home. My thoughts were then preoccupied with that. Eventually after wandering for an hour and 20 minutes I turned the right corner and shouted "yes!" with my arms in the air. When my arms retired to their original location I noticed that a neighbor of Jen's was drinking a beer on the porch and watched me do that. I felt embarassed, but continued my journey home. I zonked out on the couch for the next 8 hours. Go me! Today I just chilled around and then realized that I needed to go "buying" and we took off to the Flat Irons Mall. Good times. We ate at Big City Burrito for lunch and then I went and visited some people from my mission. The first two I visited are recient converts (from October 2007). They have done a 180 and it hurt to be there. They weren't sure what they believed anymore and it made me sad. I then tried visiting another family of converts but they moved! I called and got the new address, so I'll hit them up on Sunday. I finished the visiting with the Lloyds. Brother Lloyd was a huge influence for me in the mission and the family is so nice! I headed home after that and am tired as ever, but still ready to continue on. It's vacation, after all. Tomorrow we are going to Eliches (Six Flags). I'm excited to do the roller coaster deal again. I'll take some sweet pictures! Tomorrow morning, I can't forget, is my race with Scott G. I'm gonna beat him this time! I've prepared for this race by eating Sonic, Burger King, Big City Burrito, Jack in the Box, and Wendy's all in the last week. It's gonna be a doozy... I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes. Oh yeah, Gracen LOVES me! (and also the camera!)
PS Enjoy the new blog!

PS Enjoy the new blog!
Why are you even taking that waste of a class anyway? Make sure you get diverse perspectives (which means you'll have to do your own research for different points of view). There is only one set views allowed in college so be careful expressing any contrary opinion lest you be sucked into some kind of Kafka-esque thought trial. I recommend seeing "Indoctrinate U" for some enlightening perspective. And if you do become a Dem, real life will convert you back & snap you out of the fantasy land that is college. :)
(adj) democratic, (representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large)
How horrible it would be to be "democratic"!!!
I think you meant "a democrat". Large difference, or is there?
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