That was good service I'd say. Well the last term of classes finished well. We made a trip to Guanajuato, which was beautiful. It is a city built on a mountain. There are only a few streets you can actually drive on, most are for walking purposes only. We did a lot of walking, but it all worked out in the end.
During Holy Week I stayed around Guadalajara for a few days before heading off to Arizona to stay with Tiffany and Amy. It was a lot of fun there and I was able to see the people that I wanted to see (which was the least amount that I've ever seen in any trip to Arizona!). I hung out with Tiffany and the girls a lot, and at night with Bryce. I finally played a little bit of Halo. I wasn't that good, but I for sure improved by the end of the few days I stayed there. Bryce and I went to a Diamondbacks game on Friday night. I make a point of explaining to my party that I've never been to a game in which the Diamondbacks lost. This is no small feat. I have been to over 15 games. Well this was a scary game. The Diamondbacks weren't doing too hot in the early innings of the game and I was thinking about the streak, then somehow their bats came alive and they put up 11 runs on the Dodgers. They won! My streak stayed alive! I was satisfied and anxious for that to continue going. On Saturday I switched to Amy's house. That was equally enjoyable. I got caught up in a craze of the game Croquet. Madison was quite well at the game; I believe the others just liked to play because she did. She is the leader of the pack amongst her siblings. Amy and I also bonded well while playing that, Mario Kart, and shopping on Monday morning. I got some nice tips at how to be a better shopper. Sunday at church, randomly, we were offered six free tickets to Monday's Dbacks game. I was a bit weary, seeing as how the streak had luckily continued a couple nights ago. Nevertheless, we set off, picked up Onna and my wedding announcements on the way and went to the game. The game was a pitchers duel, and was nerve wracking. In the 8th inning the Cardinals finally scored and won the game an inning later in a low-scoring game. What a blow!
Speaking of the streak, there have been numerous times that it was close to ending. I remember a specific game with Bryce a few years back. The Diamondbacks were down probably 5 runs in the 8th inning. We got up and left our seats, only to see a homerun hit as we were leaving, 2 runs there. We turned around in the aisle as the Dbacks put together some great at-bats to pull it within a run going into the ninth. We returned to our seats. In the 9th there was a lead-off double and that run eventually scored, but that was it. Moving on to extra innings the tension was high. The 10th passed with nothing happening. The 11th becomes a blur for me. I cannot remember if the team scored 2 runs in the top of the inning or if they scored none. The bottom of the inning brought runners to the bases and Alex Cintron to the plate. A 3 run walk-off homer was the result of that game just a few rows in front of us. What a game! Goodbye streak. I guess 16-1 is still a good run.
Then Easter Week was my next week of vacation. That found me on a surprise travel to South Carolina. I ding-dong-door-bell-ditched Onna with the announcements at her door and ran around the corner. After hearing about how in the world the announcements would arrive just the next day she comes walking around the corner where I was standing and got so excited! It was nice to spend some time with family. I set up croquet there and played with everyone I could. I was able to hang out with Will on Saturday. That was a lot of fun. He's a great friend. Sadly, Sunday came and I had to return to Mexico for one last time.
Since I have gotten back the time has gone so-so. It went super fast in the beginning for that first week of school. I was really getting into my Medical Spanish class and pondered on the thought of becoming a Nurse. I still have no idea what I want to become, but all that will be worked out. Also during that first week, Sandy, Onna's mom, found a little bigger place in Hartsville and her and Onna checked it out. It was a little bigger for the same rent, and it comes with two bathrooms! We had a decision to make, but eventually we went with this new location due to the size and Onna can move things when she wants. The lease doesn't start until June 1, however.
Last weekend we went to Zacatecas, another Mexican state. It was a lot of fun but A LOT of walking. We were able to go inside of an old mine shaft and walk around, and we took a tour of the city in a cable car that ran over it. I was able to see an old mission friend, too. He hung out with us for the two-day trip. It was a lot of fun! When we got home, however, it seemed that everyone was terrified over this new flu called the Swine Flu. Rumors were swirling about school being canceled for Monday and Tuesday, which were later confirmed around 2am Monday morning. Great, two days off from school is never something to complain about. Monday morning we all received an email that the school would be closed until 'at least' May 6. Wow! What am I going to do for that long?! Not only that, it's not like we can travel. We were advised to stay in. Needless to say, it's been a boring few days, but it'll get better I hope. This weekend we are off to Puerto Vallarta for a few days. Next Wednesday my parents are supposed to come, but it seems that each day leads to more doubt on that aspect. I will be here for the long run, or at least until school is out on May 15!
Joseph Smith look-alike (actually a Governor of Zacatecas)
Cable Car
I got up today at 7:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Why? Because of a stupid group of people! No, I am not talking about Mexicans. I will not single them out because they are all over the place. I am talking about construction workers. I realize the coolest part of the day is the morning, but they know they are going to be there after 9am when it starts warming up, why not do the quiet stuff first? Do they have to hammer the roads, mow the lawns, and trim the bushes (at the same time, mind you!) that early in the morning?